
Monday, June 24, 2013

Beginning of summer!

Hello all!

Today is the last day of school. Congratulations to all of the graduates and welcome new students! Though the school year is over, summer is the perfect opportunity to begin using a writer's notebook.

Here are things that I include in my own writer's notebook:
  • Story ideas
  • Short poems
  • Scenes for a story
  • Information about characters
  • Funny things that my family says/does
  • Crazy dreams that I have
  • Questions that I have about the world
  • Favorite books, songs and why I like them
  • Snippets of events from my day (though I save the majority of these for my journal)
  • Plot lines for a short story
Materials you will need:
  • a small notebook
  • a pencil/pen (I prefer to use a really cool pen)
  • your brain (which includes your imagination)

The possibilities are endless. The point of the writer's notebook is that the ideas are mine. I write down things for fun, and these ideas may become printed stories. 

This is NOT a mandatory assignment! However, be prepared to write when you return in the fall. HAPPY SUMMER and KEEP WRITING! :D

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