
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Agenda for the week (October 1st to October 5th):

Monday: Finish writing extended response and review sentences and fragments. Homework: Study guide for quiz on Wednesday!

Tuesday: Write a final extended response in class. Homework: Study for the quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday: Take quiz on sentences and fragments. Begin working on different types of sentences, subjects, and predicates. 8th grade Homework: "Sentence Sense" worksheet

Thursday: Introduction to argumentative writing. 8th Grade Homework: "Write it down" worksheet and research a topic to create an editorial cartoon. 7th Grade Homework: "Sentence Sense" worksheet

Friday: Write an editorial cartoon in class. 8th Grade Homework: "The subject is..." worksheet and commercial survey 7th Grade Homework: "Write it down worksheet" and commercial survey

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thank you to all parents and families that attended the open house tonight! We enjoyed seeing all of you there and we are looking forward to working with you.

Homework Policy:

All assignments must be turned in the day that they are due.

For assignments that are 1 day late, 10% of the total points will be deducted.

After this 1 day grace period, the assignment will not be accepted, and it will be counted as incomplete.

*If your child wants extra help, they may come before or after school to speak with me. I am here every day by 7:30, and I can stay after when necessary.

*A note from a parent about emergency circumstances will allow the child 1 more day to complete the assignment.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Here is a picture of our classroom!

This past week, we have been writing journal responses as well as looking at a text. 

Yesterday, we completed a lesson on synonyms and antonym, and Wednesday is the day of the week that is dedicated to grammar work. (*The quiz will be next Wednesday, September 12th.)