
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Personal narratives

I apologize for the lack of posts!

Just a reminder:

Final drafts for personal narratives are due on Friday for all classes. If you have any questions please contact me :)

Thank you for your support!

Here is a copy of the rubric that I will be using to grade the personal narratives. Simply click on the rubric to zoom in.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Agenda for 11/19-11/21

Hello all!

This week we will be wrapping up our review of the parts of speech.

All classes will take a test on Wednesday, and all adverb books will be due on Wednesday.
The parts of speech that will be covered on the quiz are:
  • nouns
  • pronouns
  • verbs
  • adverbs

I will send home the study guide on Monday, and I will be in school early if your child needs help or practice for the upcoming test.

Thank you!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Letter Writing

For Rooms 103, 105, and 106 - Rough drafts of your letters are due on Monday!

Body Paragraph:
  1. Topic Sentence - Identify which reason you are talking about in the paragraph
  2. Example - one specific example that supports your reason
  3. Justification - concluding sentence that connects to the main purpose of your letter
Conclusion Paragraph
  1. Topic sentence - restate your main purpose for writing the letter
  2. Restate the three reasons that you discussed in the letter
  3. Call to action -  thank whoever your letter is addressed to and remind them to take action for your cause
Good luck writing! If you are having trouble, please come in to school at 7:30 a.m. so that you will be ready to peer edit during class. Enjoy your weekend!

Ms. Chaps

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Agenda for October 15th to 19th

Unit: Persuasive Writing

7th Grade

Monday: Look over brainstorming for persuasive letter and write the introduction
Homework: Sentences worksheet

Tuesday: Learn how to write a the body of a letter
Homework: Room 103 - none; Room 105 - Bring signed folder and paper tomorrow!

Wednesday: Continue to work on the body paragraphs
Homework: Finish up to the first body paragraph

Thursday: Peer edit letters and begin writing the final draft
Homework: STUDY for quiz on Friday

Friday: QUIZ on conjunctions
Homework: None

8th Grade - Room 106

Monday: Look over brainstorming for persuasive letter and write the introduction
Homework: Sentences worksheet

Tuesday: Learn how to write a the body of a letter
Homework: Bring signed folder and paper tomorrow

Wednesday: Continue to write the body paragraphs of the letter
Homework: none

Thursday: Peer edit letters and write the conclusion
Homework: STUDY for quiz on Friday

Friday: QUIZ on conjunctions
Homework: None

8th Grade - Room 104

Monday: Turn in persuasive posters and cartoons from last week; introduction to writing reviews
Homework: Choose a movie or book to write a review about

Tuesday: Look at a movie review and brainstorm
Homework: Bring signed paper and folder tomorrow

Wednesday: Draft movie/book review brainstorm as a class
Homework: Finish review brainstorming sheet

Thursday: Draft movie/book review individually
Homework: STUDY for quiz on Friday

Friday: QUIZ on conjunctions
Homework: None

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Agenda for October 8th to October 13th

Last week, we learned about the different techniques that writers use to persuade their audience, and this week we will continue working on persuasive writing!

7th Grade

Monday: Look at persuasive posters, and read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Scieszka)
Homework: "Types of Sentences" worksheet

Tuesday: Write a persuasive letter arguing for or against the innocence of the wolf from the story
Homework: Study guide

Wednesday: HALF DAY - Quiz on the types of sentences - We will start working on conjunctions.
Homework: "Simple and compound sentences" worksheet

Thursday: Finish writing persuasive letter.
Homework: "Joining sentences" worksheet

Friday: Analyze public service announcements and campaigns; brainstorm ideas for a poster campaign.
Homework: "Understood subjects" worksheet

8th Grade

Monday: Review the types of persuasion and look at various political cartoons
Homework: "Types of sentences" worksheet

Tuesday: Look at public service announcements and analyze the tactics that they use. Brainstorm ideas for a political cartoon so students can create their own.
Homework: Study guide

Wednesday: HALF DAY - Quiz on simple and compound sentences - We will begin work on independent/dependent clause.
Homework: "Simple and compound sentences" worksheet

Thursday: Continue working on political cartoons or posters.
Homework: "Joining sentences" worksheet

Friday: Finish working on campaign posters and read Chris Van Allsburg's The Wretched Stone
Homework: "Understood subjects" worksheet

Updated Weekend Homework

Do not forget to complete your homework over the weekend!

7th Grade: "Write it down" worksheet and Commercial/Ad worksheet

8th Grade: "What a combination" worksheet and Commercial/Ad worksheet

Grammar quiz will be on Wednesday 10/11

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Which persuasive technique is being used?

Persuasive Writing

We are beginning our new unit on persuasive writing! Before we write our final essay, we are first going to explore the various ways that people try to persuade...

There are many types of persuasive writing:

Bumper stickers
Political Cartoons
Can you guess which persuasive technique is being used in these commercials?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Agenda for the week (October 1st to October 5th):

Monday: Finish writing extended response and review sentences and fragments. Homework: Study guide for quiz on Wednesday!

Tuesday: Write a final extended response in class. Homework: Study for the quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday: Take quiz on sentences and fragments. Begin working on different types of sentences, subjects, and predicates. 8th grade Homework: "Sentence Sense" worksheet

Thursday: Introduction to argumentative writing. 8th Grade Homework: "Write it down" worksheet and research a topic to create an editorial cartoon. 7th Grade Homework: "Sentence Sense" worksheet

Friday: Write an editorial cartoon in class. 8th Grade Homework: "The subject is..." worksheet and commercial survey 7th Grade Homework: "Write it down worksheet" and commercial survey

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thank you to all parents and families that attended the open house tonight! We enjoyed seeing all of you there and we are looking forward to working with you.

Homework Policy:

All assignments must be turned in the day that they are due.

For assignments that are 1 day late, 10% of the total points will be deducted.

After this 1 day grace period, the assignment will not be accepted, and it will be counted as incomplete.

*If your child wants extra help, they may come before or after school to speak with me. I am here every day by 7:30, and I can stay after when necessary.

*A note from a parent about emergency circumstances will allow the child 1 more day to complete the assignment.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Here is a picture of our classroom!

This past week, we have been writing journal responses as well as looking at a text. 

Yesterday, we completed a lesson on synonyms and antonym, and Wednesday is the day of the week that is dedicated to grammar work. (*The quiz will be next Wednesday, September 12th.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 1

Welcome to Miss Chaps' Writing Class Blog!!!

On this blog, expect updates about what we are doing in 7th and 8th grade. Please feel free to comment, or you can email me at

Good luck during this first week of school :)