
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Argumentative Writing

Hello Families,

We have already started working on argumentative essays in English class. I am teaching students how to use the Internet for research and what makes a credible source. Students are expected to write a 5-paragraph essay as well as create a bibliography.

Here are a list of the due dates by class:

Rooms 104 and 106:
  • Rough draft: March 22
  • Final draft: April 5
Rooms 105 and 103:
  • Rough draft: April 1
  • Final draft: April 12
Thank you for all of your support!

Below is a reference guide that shows students how to use the advanced search tool in Google. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

To Write in Cursive or Not to Write?

Please complete the survey below. Once you have submitted your survey, allow your partner to complete it as well.

Handwriting Survey 

Argumentative Writing

Hello all!

For the next two weeks, students will be working on an argumentative essay. On Friday, we discussed the components of an argumentative piece, what makes a good argument, and the types of questions that the students can ask.

Information will be sent home this week outlining the details of the project. Thank you for your support!