
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Biography Project

Reminder: Final biography project is due on Friday 1/25/13

The final project includes:
  • biography paper
  • bibliography (list of sources)
  • 2 journal entries
  • biography poem
Below is the criteria for the biography poem:

Biography Poem

Directions: Take out a sheet of loose leaf paper and write your name on top. Think about the person whom you are writing a biography about. If your person is no longer living, then change the verbs to past tense (e.g. “is” to “was”).

            Line 1            The person’s first name
            Line 2             Who is… (describe the person)
            Lines 3-9        Choose 7 of the following line starters:
                                    Who is the son/daughter of…
                                    Who is the husband/wife of…
                                    Who is the brother/sister of…
                                    Who loves…
                                    Who fears…
                                    Who believes…
                                    Who wants…
                                    Who needs…
                                    Who would like to see…
                                    Who uses…
                                    Who gives…
                                    Who says…
            Line 10           Who lives…
            Line 11           The person’s last name…

Ms. Chaps’ Example:
Who was the longest serving First Lady
Who was the wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who was the niece of Teddy Roosevelt
Who loved visiting the poor and sick and playing with her dog, Fala
Who feared not being loved by others
Who believed in the future of the town, Arthurdale
Who would have liked to see a woman run for president
Who gave up familial happiness to serve her country and to be a symbol of peace
Who lived in Hyde Park, New York until her death

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Biographies Part 2

Hello all!

Students must bring in the rough draft of their paper, because we will be peer editing on Friday.

Rough Drafts due: Friday 1/18
Final Copy including the bibliography and 2 journal entries due: Friday 1/25.

Thank you,
Ms. Chaps

Monday, January 14, 2013

Biography Rubric

Here is the rubric for the biography paper itself.
Please click on the image to enlarge it.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Quick reminder:

Students must complete biography notes for Monday 1/14/13.

Here are two links that students can use to find information about the person they picked:

Each site creates citations in MLA style, so students can simply copy and paste the citation onto a word document. The following links can also help you make a citation in MLA style.

A reference page should look like this:

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hello all,

Quick reminder that bio poems are due on Monday. Your bio poem must include the poem (written or typed) and at least 3 pictures that relate to the poem. You may print out the pictures from the internet or draw them. If you have any questions, please email me.

Next week, we will begin working on biographies. I will be sending home a note as well as posting information on the blog.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Ms. Chaps